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Shop Markham Dispensary Deals

Discover exclusive discounts, daily specials, and loyalty rewards at Body and Mind Markham. As a trusted cannabis store, we pride ourselves on offering premium, high-quality products with exceptional customer service. Shop now and save big on all your favorite strains, edibles, and more!

Shop Deals

Unbeatable Deals for Every Customer

First-Time Customer Discount

New here? Get X% off your first purchase and enjoy the Body and Mind experience!
Explore our premium flower, edibles, concentrates, and vapes with this exclusive offer.

Daily Specials – Your Favorite Deals All Week

Save big with daily deals, including Flower Fridays and Edible Sundays.
Stop by to discover new products, discounts, and customer favorites each day.

Veterans, Seniors & Medical Patients Discount

Honoring veterans, seniors (65+), and medical patients with X% off every day – because you deserve it.

We value your service and provide consistent savings on our wide range of products.

Loyalty Rewards Program

Earn points with every purchase and redeem them for discounts on your favorite products.
Sign up for our loyalty program to maximize your savings and enjoy exclusive rewards.

Serving Markham and Greater Chicago Area

We’re conveniently located at 3063 W 159th St, Markham, IL 60428, making it easy to access the best cannabis deals Markham offers.

  • Located near major highways, ensuring seamless access.
  • Just minutes from Oak Forest, Hazel Crest, and Midlothian.
  • Serving cannabis enthusiasts throughout Greater Chicago, including Homewood, Country Club Hills, and Harvey.

Whether you’re a local or visiting from the Chicago Southland region, we make your cannabis experience simple and enjoyable.

Why Choose Body and Mind Markham?

  • Premium Selection: Explore a curated range of flower, edibles, vapes, concentrates, and more products from top brands.
  • Friendly Service: Our knowledgeable consultants and budtenders are here to guide you to your favorite strain or perfect product. You’ll be happily greeted every time!
  • Great Deals: From daily deals to loyalty rewards, we offer unmatched deals that keep you coming back.
  • Community Focus: Proudly serving Markham and surrounding neighborhoods, fostering a strong connection with our customers.

Body and Mind Dispensary strives to offer a perfect balance of quality products, exceptional service, and the best dispensary deals Markham offers!