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Legislative Committee Adds Six Conditions For Medical Marijuana

Body and Mind
Body and Mind February 24, 2016

Hartford Courant in Connecticut
The Hartford Courant reported yesterday a significant expansion of Connecticut’s medical marijuana program. Legislation has increased the number of approved medical marijuana conditions from 11 to 17.  Two story excerpts below in italics.

Over the last few years, several states have either adopted or expanded their medical marijuana programs. Medical marijuana is legal in Nevada, and Nevada continues to be the only state that accepts medical marijuana cards from other states.

HARTFORD — The legislative committee that reviews new state regulations before they are adopted narrowly approved an expansion of the state’s medical marijuana program Tuesday, adding six conditions qualifying for treatment.

In an 8-5 vote, the regulation review committee approved all but one of the seven recommended conditions: ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease; ulcerative colitis; sickle cell disease; severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis; complex regional pain syndrome; and post-laminectomy syndrome with chronic radiculopathy, which is recurring back pain after surgery.

“The six new conditions will allow other people with some really serious medical conditions to have access to the medicine to help them,” Jonathan A. Harris, commissioner of the state Department of Consumer Protection, which oversees the program, said after the vote.

Tuesday’s approvals bring the number of approved medical marijuana conditions to 17. The new maladies join these 11: cancer, glaucoma, HIV or AIDs, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, intractable spasticity related to nerve damage in the spinal cord, epilepsy, cachexia, wasting syndrome, Crohn’s disease and post-traumatic stress disorder.

As of mid-January, the state had 8,228 patients registered for the medical marijuana program. State officials say Connecticut is adding about 100 registered patients a week, and their numbers could reach 13,000 by the end of 2016.

READ MORE of the Hartford Courant article as well as watch two videos covering medical marijuana

If you are a patient with a medical marijuana card, and are seeking medical marijuana in Las Vegas, Nevada, you can find dispensary locations via Weedmaps. BaM quality medical marijuana will soon be available at several dispensaries in Las Vegas. BaM quality medical marijuana always recommends three things:  use medical marijuana responsibly; follow the guidance of your primary physician; and know the medical marijuana laws for the state you are in.

Body and Mind
Body and Mind February 24, 2016

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